September 19, 2009

Threading (Hair Removal)

***Shout out to my girl Shak!***

I have been threading for about 3 years now. 

What is it?
Threading is an ancient hair removal technique.  It uses 100% cotton thread which is twisted several times.  When rolled against the skin, even the tiniest hair is grabbed and entwined in the thread and pulled right from the follicle.  Threading offers more precise lines then waxing.  It's also mess free & chemical free.

Does it hurt?
Everyone has different tolerance level.  Personally, it doesn't hurt me.  I remember the first time I had it done I just thought it was a feeling but no pain.  I think that waxing is more painful then threading.  I will say though, when doing my upper lip it is slightly more intense but again I wouldn't say painful.  My suggestion for first timers would be to just get your brows done so you can get use to the feeling before moving on to your upper lip.

How long does it last?
Depending on your hair growth cycle this can vary from 2-weeks.  I personally can make mine last for up to 3 weeks with plucking straying in between. 

Why Threading vs. Waxing?
As opposed to waxing, the top layers of skin are not peeled or traumatized in the process making threading gentler on the skin. Threading is highly recommended and an excellent option for those who use Retin-A, Accutane, or similar products.  Also, over time the delicate skin over your eyes will become loose and saggy due to the pulling.  Threading does not pull at your skin.

Is it expensive?
Depending on your local market the price will vary but threading in general tends to cost less then waxing.  I get my brows and lips done for $10 total.  If I have my coupon I save another $2 each visit making it $8 total.  Just a brow waxing alone from a licensed aesthetician is $15-$20. (Again, this is based on my local area).

Where can I find threading?
Since threading is still somewhat new or even unheard of in some areas, you may want to talk with friends and get a referral.  For those in the NW Phoenix, AZ area I would recommend #1 Gemini of Chicago (Ask for Laura-she's also my amazing hairdresser!); #2 Just Stringz (kiosks located in many malls).

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